Thursday, November 12, 2009

严重忧郁症病患的掌纹研究 (the palm studies of depression patient)

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1. 心理学研究发现,伴有短细杂线穿过的过长智慧线显示神经官能症、多虑症。这一些特征可以从这幅严重忧郁症病患的掌纹例图发现。


3. 后天八卦的〝兑区〞有〝米〞字状纹揭示病患的肠道吸收与排泄功能异常,同时也容易引起头痛、头昏、腹胀或腹疼。

4. 感情线在中指下流入食指与中指缝内,多显示病人自幼就患有胃病。

5. 指头及部份手掌呈瘀红色,提示气血运行不畅,多见于疲劳过度。

6. 〝内关〞穴位处有青筋,提示心脏方面的疾病,多出现心烦、心闷、心悸、失眠、多梦症状。

7. 右手智慧线起始处有分叉、分支纹状,反映食道、胃黏膜曾受损、有胃发炎的问题。

8. 后天八卦的〝艮区〞有网格纹,显示病患有严重的胃肠道功能紊乱综合症。

综合以上的掌纹分析,精神方面的疾病不只涉及脑、社会及个人心理因素,还可包括心脏、血管及消化系统的因素。唯有在治疗此病的同时也着手改善上述症状才能事半功倍。中医在运用〝全方位治疗法〞(Comprehensive Medicine)的原则上,可以在没有药物〝相冲〞及药物副作用的顾虑下,以一种特定调配的中药方剂同时治疗多个脏腑。再说,针灸在治疗精神方面的疾病可刺激病患的大脑分泌足够的血清素,安全及快速地穩定病情。


By Master Ho

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Facelifts acupuncture - How it works

I am afraid of needles, does acupuncture hurt?

You can request Japanese acupuncture techniques, they are extremely gentle and comfortable and in fact, it is quite common for people to become so relaxed that they actually fall asleep during the treatment. The needles used for acupuncture are much thinner than the typical medical needles that one may have experienced in a doctor's office.

Should I continue with my prescribed medication while undergoing a course of acupuncture treatment?

Yes, at least until you have discussed this with your doctor or the practitioner who prescribed the medication. Many people seek the help of an acupuncturist because of dissatisfaction with drug treatment, because it does not seem to be working or because the side effects are unacceptable. DO NOT stop taking any medication without professional guidance.

Should I tell my doctor if I receive acupuncture treatment?

If you are receiving treatment from your doctor then it is sensible to mention that you plan to have acupuncture. The acupuncture treatment may enable you to reduce or even stop taking some forms of medication, but you should always consult your doctor regarding any change of prescription. I need to know about any medication you are taking as this may affect your response to the acupuncture treatment.

What should I do before treatment?

You should try not to have a large meal within 2 hours of your appointment as the process of digestion will alter the pattern of your pulse. You should also avoid alcohol and food or drinks which colour your tongue, such as coffee, immediately prior to treatment.

Is acupuncture right for me?

Our treatments are highly personalized and thus address your unique health concerns of our patients. We will work to bring you back to your optimal health both physically, mentally, and spiritually.

What can I expect for results?

A course of treatments is recommended and will vary depending on the severity of the condition, length of time with the condition, and your overall health, energy and commitment to healing. A minimum of 8 treatments is recommended; 20 treatments is an average course. Many people begin to see results in just a few treatments. Treatments may be scheduled weekly, monthly, or less if the problem is acute. The treatments will be less often as the conditions improve. Some people choose to include acupuncture treatments as a regular part of their regular healthcare coming weekly, monthly, or seasonally.

What is the feeling of being acupunctured?

The insertion of the needle might feel like a small pinch. After insertion sensations such as warmth, tingling, or fullness may be felt at the site of the needle or along its pathway. Most people feel a deep sense of relaxation; some even fall asleep during the treatment. Most people feel calm, relaxed, centered, and sometimes energized.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a 5,000 years old Chinese Medical System that helps to treat the body as a whole and to help with pain and a wide number of complaints. The goals of acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are to restore the body back to health.

The acupuncturist will insert hair thin stainless steel sterile needles (single-use) to the skin, this will affects the body’s vital energy called Qi (Chi). The Qi travels along various pathways called meridians. They are rivers flowing bringing blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the different organs.

Acupuncture research has found that it boost the immune system, increases blood circulation, influences the central and peripheral nervous system, and releases pain-mediating chemicals such as endorphins in the brain to help relieve pain and to give one a nice sense of wellbeing.