Sunday, September 2, 2012

Face Reading & TCM (面相与中医学)

For a person engaged in Traditional Chinese Medicine research, this subject is not easy to write well, but I accept this challenge. In the traditional China metaphysic knowledge, we have five arts, they are: Mountain ( 山Shan),Medicine (医Yi), Destiny (命Ming), Divination (卜Pu) and form (相Xiang). These knowledge are based on I-Ching to operate as a template of human life in pursuit of good health,happiness and good fortune. In Chinese medicine, one of the four diagnostic method is to look at the form. A good doctor must have a very sharp observation on the form, aspecially a clear observation on the patient's face, palm and other body part to get more information on the disease that he have.

If a person's fate is not good, I don't really think a fortune teller or Feng Shui master can help him, because fate is in all about your health. A person who in bad luck, his health must be in big troubles.That's why you never see a rich and successful person with atheistic eyes,tired body and weak mind. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, we can also get a glimpse from his facial expression of how his internal organs function.

During the early 5th century, Bodhidharma not only having a great achievement in Buddhism, but he is also a guru in face reading. He believes the most impotant part in a person's face is the eyes. If rating by 100 marks to comment on eyes, cheek bones, nose, forehead, chin, eyebrow, mouth, teeth, ears, the eyes accounted for 50 marks, this mean your eyes are windows of showing your health, wealth and destiny. In Chinese Medicine, we can also observe the performance of your internal organs through eyes. Through our experience, if the elderly's eye vision began to weaken, we must be very much concerned about their health, if their eyes turn blind, they will be living a very difficult senior life.

In the medical consultation process, I very much attention to the patient's eyes, even the dark circles, fine lines, dark spots, or bags under the eyes, I would propose that patients pay more attention to the usual rest time, because of early aging phenomenon began to appear in the eye. If they don't take care for their body, a few years later, their health status will become worse.

Apart from the eyes, the facial complexion of observation is also important. Every morning when you get out of bed, you must observe your face in the natural light source before brushing your teeth, eating breakfast . Carefully observe the Qi & colour changes on your face, you will notice soemething different as the more times you look at yourself. A person who have a good life and bright future, his skin is smooth & moist, the facial Qi & Colour like natural light, bright and very fresh, refreshing. On the contrary, if the face bleak or look like hovering dark clouds, he is in the bad period of his life.

What is Qi & Colour? The so-called "Qi" is the innate motive, coupled with the strength function of internal organs arise. "Qi" is acquired fortune (Theory of Five Elements Evolutions and Six Kinds of Natural Factorsship) characterization, which is based on the five elements, four seasons of the solar term arising from change. In our clinic, we not only study the facial Qi & colour changes in a patient, we also very concern about the tones, freckle, wrinkle that appeared on their face. In general, we believe that a healthy person must have good skin and also good Qi & colour. That's why we developed a series of cosmetic acupucnture programs to help patients who want to look good or improve their luck.

In short, a healthy person must have sparkling eyes, the Qi & colour must be good, his face must not seriously undermine by spots, wrinkles, acne problems, because is the embodiment of health and vitality is come from the skin. The more healthy is that person,he will be about to perform better in all aspects of life, and not to mention, he can also attract positive energy!

Give you a tip, if you want to enjoy good fortune,you should be less angry, less complaining and spend more time to understand God (religion), more self-cultivation and try to help those in need, the so-called relative to your own heart, when your appearance changes in flavor, that is, wealth, career movement, when changes in the work of transportation.




在诊病的过程中,我十分留意病人的眼晴,那怕是黑眼圈、细纹、黑斑或眼袋问题,我都会建议病人多注意平时的作息时间,因为早期衰老的现象开始出现在眼部了,如果不多照顾身体,再过几年,那些影响美丽的障碍物(黑眼圈、细纹、黑斑或眼袋问题) 就会〝永久性居留〞在眼晴周围,再过多几年,眼神都没了,健康也会每况愈下。




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