Monday, August 19, 2013

Acupressure Program & Your Eyes (Part 2)

For the previous article we talked about the simple diet arrangement and herbal tea that help patients who suffering from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or Blepharitis. In this article, I will further discuss and share with you the idea of including acupressure program to enhance the result of get rid of itchy ,dry and painful feeling in eyes.

Eyes Acupuncture is possible to treat 
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction / Blepharitis. I think most of the acupuncturists will know how to handle it. You can discuss with your nearest Acupuncturist for more info. And if you couldn't find an Acupuncturist around your area, I am here to help you on how to fish rather than giving you a fish a day.

The secret about "Parameter"

On the year of 2008, when I attended a World Acupuncture Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. An Acupuncture researcher and Scientist who is also an Academician (Highest honor in China) gave a very inspiring talk on the topic of "the response of Acupuncture and Nervous system". During the Q & A session, one of the Malaysia Acupuncturist ask him what is the acupuncture solution that can help him to lose a few inches of fats around his tummy. Obviously, this Acupuncturist was asking a very stupid question to an Academician, and it can be an insult to the wisdom of an Academician.However, this old wise man only answered him, " the answer toward your question it could be related to an issue of parameter." At that time, may be not many audience knew what is his meaning.

After many years, I finally realized the "Parameter" mean the frequency + intensity + time. If someone want to enroll in a weight reduction acupuncture program, he need to know how many session in a week he need to do, and also how many session consider as a treatment course, and each acupuncture session take how many minutes.

Take an example, if you want to lose weight through exercise, your personal trainer will tell you about 
 the frequency + intensity + time theory in your exercise program. As we apply this universal law in the acupressure program, it will be the same thing!

The "Parameter" for Eyes Acupressure
Many people know acupressure is good for health, and there are a lots of acupressure books in the market that teach you about acupressure for different parts of your body. But when come to the "Parameter" (
frequency + intensity + time), many books do not really explain enough on that. For an example, we know what acupressure points are good for our eyes vision, but without the right "parameter", the entire acupressure program will not work.
Everyone should know, to treat 
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction or Blepharitis with acupressure, you need a program. Program mean something that you need to stick with it, practise regularly (you can call it a belief). The minimum requirements is :
1. Normal condition : 2 times per day, one time in morning, one time in evening, each time 5 minutes.

2. Severe condition : 3 times per day, morning + noon + evening. Each times 10-15 minutes.

Acupressure For EyesEyes acupressure relives many problems. You can get rid of headaches, wrinkles, eye puffiness, stress, dry eyes, and eye fatigue. A good technique is combining eyes massage and acupressure. For those who watched my youtube video on face massage with Buffalo horn face massage spoon, you can apply some of the technique into this session.

There are a number of acupuncture/acupressure points around the eyes (basically around the orbits of the eyes which are the bones that surround the eyeballs). The points below are some of the major local eye points.

The image below shown 5 common acupoints that help to treat Meibomian Gland Dysfunction / Blepharitis. The acupressure on eyes area will be a lot more gentle than other parts of your body. There are 2 techniques: that is pressing and circular movement while pressing. If you are doing the acupressure correctly, you should feel certain level of soreness, numbness, warm or fullness feeling around your eyes. Most people can feel very relaxing and soothing after the acupressure.

There is a video on how to preform an eyes acupressure is attached with this article. You can pay attention to the hand executions that demo by a Chinese Medicine doctor in this video. As what I said before, the acupressure is very simple, everyone can learn but the secret is the "Parameter", that is how many minutes and how many times in a day you can invest, and that will be the key of successfully control the severe situation of 
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction / Blepharitis.

Secret point that further enhance the result

Besides that, I would like to additionally teach you another acupoint which is very important but some smart and clever Chinese Medicine Physicians will not tell you. Most Asian might know about this, but many Western people don't know about this.

The name of this point is "Hegu" (English translation: Joining Valley). The 
Location: On the dorsum of the hand, between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side. The "Hegu" point is a very strong pain relief acupuncture point, it work very well on all kind of pain in the body, especially the face and head. The combination of eyes acupressure and the masage of "Hegu" point will further enhance the result in treating Meibomian Gland Dysfunction / Blepharitis.

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